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Neo Casbah

What is staking?

Generating new coins for the cryptocurrency is done by either a Proof-of-Work system, like Bitcoin where users use hardware to solve a computational puzzle or a Proof-of-Stake system where users effectively freeze their assets to have a chance of being…

How to buy crypto?

The procedure for purchasing cryptocurrencies vary from country to country with limitations ranging from total bans to approved official currency. Let us first consider, the three ways to buy crypto and then the procedure for how to buy crypto through…

What is crypto?

Crypto or cryptocurrencies are becoming more popular but if you cannot tell your Bitcoin from your Cardano or Dogecoin, it can be quite confusing. As more and more people look to invest in crypto, trying to navigate through the complex discussions…

Why delegate with us?

NeoCasbah operates a Cardano Staking Pool, CASBA, and we invite you to delegate your Cardano stake with us. But if you’re new to staking, or you’re just thinking of changing pools, Why should you stake with us? Do I have…